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Jonny Williamson

I just wanted to share a couple things with you. Your book has really changed my job search around!  I have landed over five interviews with some pretty great companies, and they all look very promising. Every interviewer has commented on my resume.  I have used your idea of creating a "brag book" as a leave-behind and have received an overwhelmingly positive response from the interviewers, many commenting that they loved the idea and that I was the first to ever utilize that tactic. Your advice has set me apart from the competition and I appreciate your help. 


I also want to share a quick story with you. You advise to prepare, prepare, prepare. You said to create my "interview kit" supplied with such items as breath mints, extra resumes, an extra shirt just in case I had an accident before getting to the interview, etc.  Well... I went out to Philadelphia for an interview last week and brought my interview kit with all of these necessities.  On the way down to the interview I spilled coffee all over my white shirt...lucky for me I had my back up, right? Wrong. I left the darn shirt at home. Lesson learned, it is not just good enough to listen to your advice, I must follow through with it, too.  Luckily I followed another golden nugget of your advice, was an hour early, and found a CVS with a stain removing pen.


In all honesty, JP, your book has been my interviewing Bible. For someone that has never had to go through the job hunt process, The Bliss List has been an absolute God-send. Everything, from the interview questions with example answers to advice about sending thank-you emails, has truly proven to be outstanding advice.  I will continue to recommend your book to everyone I know getting out of the Army or contemplating making a career move.  Thanks again for all of your help and I look forward to talking to you again.  

Wendy R. McSweeney

…The Bliss List drastically changed my perspective on my career advancement. I came back to work with a new attitude and a spirit of gratitude. 

I would highly recommend the book to others. I’ve bought ten copies (including the Journal) and that has been my gift of choice for birthdays, anniversaries and “just because I was thinking of you." I can only imagine how much more productive we can be as an organization if the associates were happy!

Thank you so much… I appreciate you more than you will ever know.

Dionne McMillian
Wealthy Lifestyle 
Executive Producer, NPR

I just want to say thank you so much for being a guest on the show. What great energy you have!! You provided such invaluable information to our listeners. It really was a great show and Deborah enjoyed herself too.

Diane Herro, M.S.

Being an educator for the past twenty-four years, I was impressed with the many ways that J.P. Hansen drew the audience into his beliefs and message of how any of us can find our own personal bliss! One cannot help but want to get out the notepad, scribble on index cards, and reflect on your own life and lives of others, as you read through his book. You will find yourself becoming an active reader which, in turn, will inspire you to take charge of and make a difference in your own life! J.P. Hansen understands that it takes courage to change. His book, The Bliss List, offers all of us an effective tool to help cultivate our own gardens in a beautiful and nurturing way. This book will ultimately serve as a resource book for one and all, as it earns a spot amongst the other books within your personal library!

Jeff Beals
Author of Self Marketing Power: Branding Yourself as a Business of One

Don't be fooled by J.P. Hansen's long and successful business career. The Bliss List is not some stuffy how-to book designed to help starch-collared investment bankers jump from one Wall Street house to another. It's actually a life-changing read perfect for all professionals. Upon completing this book, J.P. will have you searching your soul, believing in your abilities and sprinting down the path in pursuit of your bliss.

In The Bliss List, J.P. Hansen breaks the mold when it comes to career books. Sure, there's salient advice on resumes, interviews and working with recruiters, but this book is so much more.  It's inspirational.  It's liberating.  J.P. clearly understands the human spirit and cares about his readers.  Don't miss out on this career-changing read! 

Four out of five professionals are unhappy in their current jobs. In The Bliss List, J.P. Hansen shows you how to search your soul, refocus your career and find your bliss, thus making you one of the fortunate 20% who delights in their work. I highly recommend it for anyone in career transition and even those who are happy in their current jobs.

Emily Driscoll
Personal finance writer for

The Bliss List is a must-read for anyone navigating the job market at any age. From resume tips and practice interview questions to advice on how to channel positivity into your life, Hansen covers everything you need to know in an interesting and easy-to-read guide.

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